We offer Contemplative Services on Saturday evenings at 5:00pm. 

  • 1st, 3rd & 5th Saturdays: Contemplative Prayer Service (in person and YouTube livestream) Contemplative reading and reflection on Scripture, prayer, and sacred music. 5th Saturday uses chants from the Taizé community in France. 

  • 2nd Saturday: Holden Evening Prayer with Holy Eucharist (in person and YouTube livestream). A service of sung worship at vesper-time as day fades quietly into night.

  • 4th Saturday: “Sacred Sophia” Holy Eucharist (in person and YouTube livestream). This service combines scripture, song, silence and Sacrament inspired by the feminine expression of the Wisdom of God (Proverbs 8). 

Sundays year-round there is a 10:00am Eucharist service.

Service bulletins and links for YouTube livestreaming are on our website's homepage for the upcoming weekend services.

The bulletin outlines the service and references page numbers in the books you will find in the seat pockets. Our liturgy is based on those found in the red Book of Common Prayer. Words in bold are spoken by the entire congregation. Most people stand to sing, sit to listen, and either stand or kneel during the prayers, but please use whatever posture is most helpful and comfortable for you. Feel free to ask someone if you would like help understanding any part of the service.

During services that offer music, you will experience a mixture of traditional hymns and contemporary music from Songs for Worship, and newly written or special music printed in the bulletin.

Children are always welcome at all services. During the school year, there are two Godly Play groups that meet in the Education Wing following the Children’s Homily: for children 3 years–Kindergarten and for Grades 1–5. During the summer, we combine our Godly Play classes into one group that meets in the Education Wing. The children will hear stories from the life of Jesus and may be invited to take the story outside on nice days. 

Youth Group meets in the Garden Room on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month.