Children and Youth

At St. Mary Magdalene we welcome children and youth of all ages for worship, and as members of the church. Sharing our worship with children strengthens the relationship we all have with God.

Godly Play

We offer Godly Play as an introduction to faith for children in preschool through grade 5. Godly Play is currently held during the 10am Sunday service (9am in the summer). A staff of trained volunteers will introduce a new story each week.


The youth ministry program serves youth in grades 6-12. Occasional fun faith formation activities and social gatherings are held after the Sunday morning service.

Adventures and Service Projects
Monthly during the school year we have an adventure or participate in service projects in the surrounding community.

Retreats and Mission Trip
The youth participate in two diocesan retreats called "Quest" and are offered a yearly mission trip experience.

Acolyte Program

Acolytes are members of the congregation who assist the priest with worship. Anyone who is 8 years or older is eligible to become an acolyte.