All Are Welcome

“Come, you who have much faith and you who have little, you who have been here often and you who have not been for a while . . . it is Christ
who invites you to meet Him here,”

We seek to open our hearts to whatever journey has led one to our door, and we strive to be intentional about finding Christ in the faces we encounter. The words from the invitation to Eucharist, “Come, you who have much faith and you who have little, you who have been here often and you who have not been for a while . . . it is Christ who invites you to meet Him here,” are resonant. Many describe their first visit to SMM as “a homecoming” where they found a warm, spiritual presence; a sense of belonging; and acceptance.

Simple Worship, Rich Tradition

We worship simply, with a deep appreciation for the liturgical tradition of the Episcopal Church. Crossing the threshold into the SMM space is a special experience, for the heavy wooden doors of the southwestern-style building open upon a humble and holy ground. The hand-hewn timber-beamed ceiling, spare white walls, and simple red brick floor are all bathed in the clear warm light of many windows. Depending on the service, one is greeted by the piano, perhaps a bit of guitar or banjo, and lots of happy talk and laughter. At the far end, anchored by windows that frame the distant Rocky Mountains, a glorious cross window draws one toward the sanctuary and into the quiet simplicity of this special sacred space.

All components of the “three-legged stool” of the Episcopal Church (scripture, tradition, and reason) are found at SMM, and most parishioners value all three equally as important aspects of our searching, questioning, and growing nature.